How hard is the PMP Certification?

It's normal to ask questions when you start your PMP Certification preparation. Is it difficult to pass the PMP Exam? What is the minimum score I can get? What are the top reasons candidates fail to pass the exam? These are common questions for PMP candidates in the early stages. Not having this information can make it difficult to kick-start your PMP preparation journey. This article will explain everything you need to know about the difficulty of the PMP Certification Exam. It also explains the main reasons why PMP Certification takers find it difficult. We will discuss many things that are crucial for your PMP exam preparation. The PMI has not yet released the PMP Certification actual passing score. However, you might want to read this article where we discuss the PMP Certification passing score. It is undisputed that the PMP Certification remains the most difficult exam in project management. Let's now discuss the top four reasons PMP Certification candidates ...